Last week I had a privilege to photograph family of my dear friend Sasha at my small home studio.
Pictures turned out really lovely. I hope you will enjoy looking at them, as I enjoyed taking them.
I did this photoshoot many years ago, but want to show it to you first before the shoot for a Kate from last year. Time flies quickly!
That is why I am trying to remind you how all the pictures of our loved ones are precious.
Вишивка, то моя давня любов.
До цього часу я вишивала тільки хрестиком, але світ вишивки безмежний. І прийшов час навчитися і пізнати інши техніки вишивання, а там дійде час і до моєї першої сорочки вишитої автентичними ортаментами.
Цей пост буде про з важливими і цікавими для мене лінками, щоб я їх не розгубила. Порядку в лінках не має.
My baby turned 8 this year and I finally decided to write about how we were preparing for our photo shoot with a tummy:). I hope it would be helpful for some of you. I, as a photographer and as a woman, believe that maternity photo session is very important for memorable moments in the future, especially for mom. Our photo session ended up being very tender and beautiful.